The Fruit of the Spirit in Proverbs

Join us as we have a conference about how we can learn to apply
the Fruit of the Spirit through the wisdom of the Proverbs!

Click below to make a reservation for our conference on
April 19th and 20th


Featuring: Tom Sullivan

6p Welcome and Prayer
6:10p Session 1: Introduction to Proverbs
– Being Humble and Teachable
6:55p Intermission
7:05p Session 2: Love, Joy and Peace
7:50p Dismissal


Featuring: Matt Figura

4p Welcome and Prayer
4:10p Session 3: Patience, Kindness, Goodness
5p Dinner (provided by the church, RSVP required)

6p Session 4: Faithfulness, Gentleness, Self-

6:50p Intermission
7p Session 5: Walking Wisely, Bearing Much
Fruit (By the Spirit)
7:50 Dismissal